The sunny weather and fresh blooms heavily influenced my recent thoughts and creativity. I suppose it was a way for me to bring freshness into my home during the quarantine. Whenever I ventured out, I appreciated what nature had to offer and took many pictures of colourful flowers.
I’d heard of zines before and have seen many great ones, but it was Austin Kleon’s relentless enthusiasm (he’s been making a lot of zines) that hooked me in. Here’s my first zine.
Printemps means spring in french and I thought Print + Emps (emp is an abbreviation for emperor/empress) was appropriate as the title for my first attempt at print.
I started without a goal. I emptied my mind and just did. The zine’s content naturally poured out of me; the only limit being what I had at my disposal (read copies of The New Yorker and whatever was in my art box).
Now that I reflect on what I’ve created, I think it shows the beauty and fragility that comes with change, like spring. The dried flowers are delicate and wither quickly but their smell and colours are magical.
Making this zine was the most fun I’ve had in a long time. I enjoy receiving Austin Kleon’s weekly newsletters; they inspire me to have a little more fun, to do more and to take myself less seriously.
Make your own Zine: Quick instruction video by Austin Kleon